A Trusted Attorney for Nursing Home Neglect in Las Vegas
Las Vegas nursing homes and assisted living facilities often promise an escape from the city, with quality, around-the-clock care, but the reality is that the level of service can be a gamble.
Nursing home neglect and elder abuse are on the rise in Las Vegas, and if you suspect that a loved one may be a victim, it is important that you seek guidance from an experienced attorney. We are here to help you seek justice and compensation for damages suffered by your family.

Advantages of a Nursing Home Abuse Attorney
We understand that a case of nursing home neglect can leave you feeling overwhelmed and even betrayed. When you entrust a facility with the care of your loved one, you expect that they will provide the best possible care, but unfortunately, that is not always the case.
With many years of experience helping Las Vegas families navigate nursing home neglect and abuse, you can trust that our attorneys will walk you through every step of the process. From understanding the signs of abuse, documenting the process, contacting the negligent facility, filing reports, and more, a trusted attorney can save you valuable time while delivering you much-needed peace of mind.
At Bighorn Law, we understand that many families would prefer not to get involved with the details of sensitive elder abuse situations. Our experienced attorneys can handle the filing of nursing home abuse reports and legal claims against negligent facilities and caregivers, leaving you with less to worry about.
Elder Abuse in the State of Nevada
While it can take many forms, including physical, emotional, financial and sexual, in Las Vegas and Nevada as a whole, elder abuse is defined as any knowing, intentional or negligent act by a caregiver or other person that causes harm or risk of harm to anyone 60 years of age or older.
This includes more obvious forms of abuse such as hitting, slapping or restraining a resident against their will, but nursing home abuse does not always have to be intentional. Understaffed facilities or inadequate training can also lead to forms of abuse that are not as immediately noticeable.
Five Areas of Nursing Home Neglect
There are five areas of elder abuse that are recognized by the state of Nevada, which relate to the care facilities or the individuals trusted with primary caregiving responsibilities for the elder.
- Abuse
- Neglect
- Exploitation
- Isolation
- Abandonment
Abuse – The intentional and unjustified infliction of pain, injury or mental anguish, as well as the deprivation of food, shelter, clothing, or services necessary to maintain physical or mental health.
Neglect – Intentional or unintentional failure to provide food, clothing, shelter or services such as medical care and personal hygiene when a duty to provide these services has been established.
Exploitation – Using deception or intimidation in an attempt to obtain control of money, assets or property with the intent to permanently deprive an elder of their assets.
Isolation – Preventing elders from receiving calls, mail or visitors, or physically restraining an elder to prevent visitation when done without justification, such as to protect property or welfare.
Abandonment – The unsafe desertion or withdrawal of necessary assistance of an elder.
Common Signs of Nursing Home Neglect
Often nursing home neglect can go completely undetected. Many victims of elder abuse are unwilling or unable to speak out about the abuse they are suffering. For that reason, it’s important that you can spot the signs early so that you can begin taking action immediately.
If you notice any of the following conditions, there is a chance that neglect or abuse is occurring.
- Bedsores
- Dehydration
- Poor hygiene
- Lethargy
- Malnutrition
- Refusal to eat
- Unexplained injuries
- Weight loss
If you suspect that your loved one is being taken advantage of in any way, begin by reporting it to the nursing home or assisted living facility. Nursing homes are required to protect their residents and they may be able to take steps to address your concerns.
Be sure to keep a call log and save all email correspondences. If there are visible signs of neglect, begin taking and saving photos. It is important to keep a record of everything.
In the event that a facility is unwilling to work with you, or the signs of abuse or neglect do not improve, it may be time to contact an attorney who can help to hold the facility or its employees accountable.
Nursing Home Abuse Facts
The statistics below from Nursing Home Abuse Justice show that neglect in assisted living facilities is becoming more and more prevalent, and that includes right here in Las Vegas.
- As many as five million elders are abused every year
- It is believed that 1 in 10 elders over the age of 60 have been abused
- A study reported that as many as 24.3% of residents experienced at least one instance of physical abuse while in a nursing home
- Another study estimates that only 1 in 14 incidents of elder abuse are formally reported
- While men and women are both at risk, 2 out of 3 elder abuse victims are women
- Those with mental impairments are more vulnerable to abuse
Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Common Questions
What claims can be filed for nursing home abuse? You may be able to file against the employee or employees who caused the injury or abuse, as well as the nursing home facility itself.
Who do I contact if nursing home neglect is occurring? Contact the Aging and Disability Services Division (ADSD) Elder Rights Intake Unit or local law enforcement immediately. In Las Vegas and Clark County, the ADSD can be reached by phone at 702-486-6930.
What if I’m not sure whether abuse is occurring? Listen to your intuition. When an elder is facing neglect at a care facility, it is not always obvious what went wrong or who might be responsible. Speaking up about suspected abuse could just save the life of your loved one.
Should I sign anything? Be careful if you’re offered any documents to sign. Some may be misleading or intentionally misrepresented. Before you sign anything, bring it to your attorney.
Why choose Bighorn law for nursing home neglect? We have helped Las Vegas victims and their families find justice for years. We are dedicated to protecting the rights of our clients and our community – especially our elderly. You pay no legal fees unless we recover compensation.
Guiding You Through Elder Neglect in Las Vegas
We understand that many families would prefer not to get involved with the details of sensitive elder abuse situations. Our experienced attorneys can handle the filing of nursing home abuse reports and legal claims against negligent facilities and caregivers, leaving you with less to worry about. The process may seem difficult, but we are here to support you along the way.
If you have a loved one in your life who suffered abuse or neglect at the hands of a nursing home caregiver, Bighorn Law is here to help you receive the justice and compensation you and your family deserve. The call is cost-free, risk-free and completely confidential. Call our trusted Las Vegas nursing home neglect attorneys at (702) 333-1111 and get justice today.