Can I Get a Second Opinion on my PPD Rating in Las Vegas?
When a work injury or illness occurs, it is extremely important to take the right steps in the immediate time after, from forms to seeing a doctor within the required time window. For a work injury, this often takes place right after the accident. If you have an illness related to your work, you will need to begin to take action once you know you are sick. These actions will help secure any lost wages and repayment of medical bills through a workers’ compensation case.
Having an experienced Las Vegas workers’ comp attorney with you from the start in a workers’ comp case gives you a huge advantage. An attorney can help you with any required paperwork and deal with the difficult process of communicating with all professionals involved, from your employer and the insurance company to those that will be reviewing your case.
If your injury or illness warrants, you will receive a disability rating from the doctor that will directly determine the amount of your benefits payment. If it is determined that you have a permanent partial disability (PPD), you will be assigned a permanent impairment rating. But it is possible that you don’t agree with your PPD rating, or that you were not determined to have a disability by the doctor. In both cases, you have options, with a second opinion being an option for an unfair impairment rating. Again, an attorney can greatly assist in a workers’ comp PPD appeal.

Understanding Permanent Partial Disability Rating
Once you receive a PPD rating, you will receive your permanent impairment rating. This will come back as a percentage that is determined by the doctor on how much they feel your impairment limits your ability to work. For each percent of impairment you receive, you will get back 0.6% of what your average monthly wage was at the time of your injury or illness.
For example, if you are determined to have 10% impairment and your average monthly wage is $2,000, you would be awarded $120 per month. This calculation is done as (.006) x $2,000 x 10 = $120. The impairment percentage comes from the base idea that a person that is completely unimpaired is at 100%.
If you need help appealing your PPD or other workers’ comp case, get the professionals at Bighorn Law involved. The team has a wealth of experience getting workers compensated for lost wages, medical bills, and additional suffering.
Incorrect Impairment Rating For PPD
When you receive your PPD rating from the doctor, you may disagree with it. In many cases, the doctor gives a lower percentage than what you may actually feel your impairment is, meaning that you will not be compensated properly for your disability and what it is actually costing you in lost wages and other benefits.
The doctor that determines your impairment percentage in Nevada is part of a list controlled by the Division of Industrial Relations (DIR). If you disagree with your impairment rating, you can ask the DIR for another rater. Given that this is a controlled list, the DIR will then give you the name of the next doctor on the list, who can then give you a second opinion once you are evaluated. It’s important to note that you are responsible for paying for the second opinion. But, if you are determined to have a higher impairment rating by the second doctor, you may be reimbursed for the difference from the first rating you received.
Appealing Your PPD Workers’ Comp Case in Nevada
You are entitled to receive a second opinion on the disability rating for your PPD case. If you do choose to go this route, make your intentions known, or let your attorney know that you don’t agree with your rating.
It is also possible that your workers’ comp case was denied entirely and you choose to appeal the denial. In this case, a workers’ comp attorney can be especially helpful. The first step in the full appeal of your workers’ comp case is to request a hearing before a Hearing Officer at the DOA. There is a form available on the site that must be completed within 70 days of receiving the denial letter from the insurance company. It is important that you complete the form and attach a copy of the denial letter with the appeal.
If you need help appealing your PPD or other workers’ comp case, get the professionals at Bighorn Law involved. The team has a wealth of experience getting workers compensated for lost wages, medical bills, and additional suffering. Call today at (702) 333-1111 for a risk-free, no-cost, and confidential conversation.