The 90-Day Rule for Changing Doctors in Nevada
Before you can qualify for workers’ comp benefits in the state of Nevada, a doctor must certify that a work-related illness or injury affected your ability to perform your job duties.
While you would likely prefer to have this examination done by your own health care provider, in order to receive compensation, you are required to select a doctor from a list of health care providers that have been authorized by your employer’s workers’ comp insurance provider.
If for any reason you’re not satisfied with your first choice, Nevada law allows you to select an alternate provider from the list as long as you make the switch within 90 days of the incident.

Are Workers’ Comp Exams Required?
In order to collect compensation for an injury that was suffered at work, you must complete a physical examination to assess your condition. Refusing the exam is a surefire way for your employer’s insurance company to deny you compensation.
For that reason, it’s critical that you are examined any time you are injured or exposed to a hazardous substance in the workplace. Report every accident to your employer and request the list of doctors that have been authorized by your employer’s workers comp insurance provider.
This goes for less severe accidents as well. While it may seem minor at the time of the incident if your symptoms progress, not having that initial evaluation could cost you your case in the future.
When you’re suffering from a workplace illness or injury, the least of your worries should be pushing back against an insurance company that is denying your right to change doctors and delaying the compensation you are depending on.
Can a Request to Change Doctors Be Denied?
Nevada law directly states that an injured employee has the right to change doctors within 90 days if they are “not satisfied” with their first option. No medical need is required to change doctors and the insurance company has no legal right to turn down your transfer of care.
Despite this, many insurers still deny valid requests to change doctors. Not only is this unfair, but it can delay time-sensitive treatment for your injury. This is why it’s important to seek an attorney who can get you the benefits you are entitled to under Nevada law.
Experienced Las Vegas Workers’ Comp Attorneys
When you’re suffering from a workplace illness or injury, the least of your worries should be pushing back against an insurance company that is denying your right to change doctors and delaying the compensation you are depending on.
Bighorn Law has attorneys who are experienced with workers’ comp claims and who can fight to ensure that you are being treated fairly. Call us at (702) 333-1111 to discuss how we can help. As the call is risk-free, no cost, and confidential, you truly have nothing to lose.