How Much is My Monthly Workers’ Comp Payment in Las Vegas?

How Workers’ Comp Benefits Amounts are Determined in Nevada

When you are injured on the job, the immediate concern is for your health. But once that subsides, your focus turns to your work, and how you are going to continue to receive a paycheck and pay for any medical bills that you have. 

This is where workers’ compensation comes in. With the help of a Las Vegas workers’ comp attorney, you can be paid for any lost wages, medical bills, and additional pain and suffering from your work injury or illness. It is key that you fill out the proper forms and meet all deadlines for your claim to be approved. 

Once approved, you will want to know how much you are going to be paid while you are out of work. And it’s good to know how that calculation works to ensure that you are getting what you deserve. ( The monthly amount depends on what kind of disability you are approved for. 

Calculating Workers' Comp Payment

Nevada Temporary Total Disability Benefit Amounts

Temporary Total Disability (TTD) benefits come into play for workers who need to take more than five days off of work for injuries that happen on the job. TTD benefits are figured at two-thirds of your average monthly wage. Currently, the maximum monthly benefit for injured Nevada workers receiving TTD is $4,183.82 per month. 

TTD benefits will typically continue until you are able to return to work. Your employer may also offer modified work, and it is possible that the benefit wills top once your condition has stabilized and you are on a course to improve without further treatment. 

With the help of Bighorn Law, you can be paid for any lost wages, medical bills, and additional pain and suffering from your work injury or illness.

Nevada Temporary Partial Disability Amounts

You may be approved for temporary partial disability (TPD) if you are able to return to work, but you are now earning less due to your injury limitations. The amount for temporary partial disability equates to the difference between what you would receive on temporary total disability and what you’re currently earning. 

TPD benefits are capped at a 24-month term, so they will not continue forever. But, there are other options that can happen after that. Talk to a Las Vegas workers’ comp attorney for more information.

Nevada Permanent Partial Disability Benefit Amount

If it is found that your injury or illness has resulted in a permanent partial disability, you will be given a permanent impairment rating percentage. This determines the level of impairment that your disability has caused you. Each percent of impairment that is determined makes you eligible for 0.6% of your average monthly wage in compensation benefits.

For someone who has a 10% disability rating, and your average monthly wage is $2,000, your permanent partial disability is $120 per month. This is calculated as (.006) x $2,000 x 10 = $120 per month.

Nevada Permanent Total Disability Benefit Amounts

If it is determined that you are totally disabled, the amount that you are eligible to receive reverts back to the temporary total disability amount. The only difference is that you will continue to receive this amount as long as the disability continues. Injuries such as loss of sight and paralysis are automatically considered a permanent disability. 

As stated previously, the maximum benefit for this kind of work injury is currently $4,183.82. The calculation comes from two-thirds of your average monthly wage. 

The Advantage of a Nevada Workers’ Comp Attorney

Having an experienced workers’ comp attorney in Nevada on your side is a huge benefit when dealing with your claim. Having a professional involved ensures that everything is done on time, in proper form, and that you aren’t being taken advantage of by your employer or the insurance company. Get in touch with the professionals at Bighorn Law today at (702) 333-1111. The call is risk-free no cost and completely confidential.