Get Help with Your Criminal Defense Case Today
Getting arrested is an unexpected and scary experience. Facing the charges that are being pointed at you can be even more concerning – especially if you are doing it alone. Get a Las Vegas criminal defense attorney in your corner that understands the ins and outs of the legal process to avoid charges and clear your criminal record.
Standing up for your rights and limiting your exposure in a criminal case is crucial to your future. Don’t try to do it alone – get help with your defense today. An experienced criminal defense attorney knows the Las Vegas legal system and can help you right away.

What Does a Criminal Defense Attorney Do For Me?
Having a criminal defense attorney in your corner that has worked in the Las Vegas area is a huge asset. A criminal defense lawyer can research facts, investigate your case, and protect your rights while pursuing every available legal option.
And having an attorney that is familiar with the local legal system means that they have connections with others and understand the nuances of going to court for a criminal charge in Las Vegas. Our attorneys know the procedures, and the courtroom personnel, including the judges. They also understand important aspects such as jury selection and any other advantages that may be involved in your case.
Our attorneys will:
- Work to attempt to get penalties lowered
- Work to achieve fair settlements or plea deals
- Work to examine any and all evidence related to your case
- Work to investigate all aspects of your case to make sure no stone is left unturned
- Work to protect you from any potential prosecution
- Work to protect the integrity of your criminal history
Our team can help with your criminal defense needs in Las Vegas and surrounding Nevada. We have experienced professionals that can help you clear charges surrounding domestic violence, traffic violations, DUI, casino debt, sex crimes, and theft.
Criminal Defense Case Types Defended in Las Vegas
Our attorneys will work to defend many different kinds of criminal defense cases. Some cases that we have experience in defending and will work with you on include the following:
Battery Domestic Violence
Anyone can be accused of and charged with domestic violence. Often, the claims are brought by former spouses or partners. While the charges are serious, it is important to understand what actually happened to lead to the initial call. Our teams have experience working on these difficult cases.
Traffic Violations
Being cited for a traffic violation is very common, but it is possible to avoid a fine or at the least have the fine reduced. A loss of a driver’s license is also a main concern for anyone that has been cited. Our attorneys can look into the details of the violation and assist.
DUI/Drunk Driving
If you failed a field sobriety test that leads to potential loss of license or jail time, contact our Las Vegas DUI attorneys. We have experience assisting individuals that cannot afford the penalties associated with a DUI or a BUI – boating under the influence.
Casino Marker Debt
It is a felony to fail to pay casino market debt in Nevada. Given the severity of this offense, it’s important to have a Las Vegas casino-specialty attorney on your side. We can work with the casino to try to agree on a payment plan and fight to avoid any criminal charges.
Sex Crimes
Being convicted of a sex crime has serious implications for your future. Whether you have been charged with prostitution, solicitation, rape, statutory rape, or another sex crime, our team of attorneys has the experience to help you with these serious charges.
Theft charges come in many forms, from petty to serious. No matter what type of theft you have been charged with, we can help you with your case to limit the damages or prove your innocence. We’ve worked with all forms of theft charges, including petty larceny, pickpocketing, robbery, grand larceny, possession of stolen goods, or motor vehicle larceny.
Bail and Release
If a loved one has been arrested and is in jail, you have a natural reaction to help them. Our criminal defense attorneys can help with this process. We understand the steps to freeing an individual from jail and can help locate a bail bond agent. Our next objective will be to set an aggressive defense strategy to keep them free.
Sealing Criminal Records
Making a mistake as a youth is something that can, unfortunately, follow you for the rest of your life. Having a criminal record does serious damage to your potential job search, making some careers all but impossible to pursue. Our team of attorneys understands the steps that can be taken to seal criminal records, allowing you to stop being viewed in the negative light of your past.
Your Defense Lawyer in Las Vegas NV
If you have been charged with a crime in Nevada and don’t know where to turn, give us a call to get an attorney in your corner today. Bighorn Law has a wealth of experience in criminal defense and understands every aspect of the system.
Our team can help with your criminal defense needs in Las Vegas and surrounding Nevada. We have experienced professionals that can help with charges surrounding domestic violence, traffic violations, DUI, casino debt, sex crimes, and theft. We can also help in sealing criminal records and bail and release of a loved one.
Call us today to get in touch with someone that can help with your situation. You don’t want to go in alone when it comes to criminal defense. The call is risk-free, no-charge, and completely confidential. Call today at (702) 333-1111.