Legal Help for Dog Bite and Animal Attack Victims
Las Vegas is a dog-friendly area. And in most cases, this poses no issue. But in rare instances, dogs can get loose, act out, or get away from their owner’s reach, causing someone to get bit.
No matter the scenario that led to the dog bite, the situation needs to be taken seriously. The reality is that dog bites can not only cause obvious injuries that can take extreme medical care to heal, but they can also lead to long-term issues such as infectious disease that requires long-term medical care. In either of these scenarios, it is important to get a Las Vegas attorney involved if you intend to seek financial recovery.
Bighorn Law fights for the maximum payment for dog bit and animal attack victims in Las Vegas.

Choose an Experienced Dog Bite and Animal Attack Attorney
Getting compensated for any damage done from a dog bite can be a complicated process. There are a lot of factors that need to be considered. Having an attorney that understands that process and everything that needs to be documented is vital.
Anyone bitten by a dog or other animal is at risk for a serious injury to develop. Children and the elderly are the most susceptible to severe or even life-threatening injuries after a bite or attack takes place. And it’s important to note, that it is not uncommon to seek financial recovery from a friend or family member. Many dog bites occur from a dog the person is aware of, rather than a stranger.
In addition to physical injury, dog bites can cause emotional damage that stems from the trauma of the attack itself or the following treatment and illnesses that could last years.
At Bighorn Law, we have a wealth of experience helping out those that suffered physical, emotional, and financial damage due to a dog bite or animal attack. We are ready to fight for you today and help you earn maximum benefit.
Facts About Dog Bites in Las Vegas and the United States
There are nearly 83 to 88 million dogs in the United States. Specifically, Las Vegas is an area that has a disproportionate amount of dogs for its population. This makes dog bites a fairly common occurrence around Las Vegas.
The following stats about dog bites were provided by the CDC
- 4.7 million dog bites take place each year in the United States
- About 800,000 of the dog bites that take place require medical care
- 50% of dog bites involved children under 12
- 70% of fatal dog bites took place with children under 10
- 58% of deaths that occur from dog bites occurred on the owner’s property
Anyone bitten by a dog in Las Vegas has the potential to be compensated for any of the following:
- Medical bills
- Physical or occupational therapy
- Lost wages
- Scarring
- Loss of a limb
- Loss of life enjoyment
- Pain and suffering
Who is Responsible for a Dog Bite in Nevada?
In order for the dog’s owner to be held liable in the event of a dog bite in Las Vegas, it must be proven that the owner was negligent if the dog has no history of aggressive behavior or previous incident. If the dog owner failed to use reasonable care to prevent the injury from happening, they may be held liable. A big part of the owner behind held liable is also the number of damages the victim suffered, such as medical expenses, lost wages, and other losses.
According to Nevada law, the dog owner does not need to know that the dog is dangerous in order for a claim to be made. This means that the owner can be held liable even if they argue that the dog had no history of being aggressive or biting.
If the dog has previously bitten someone and the owner had received notice of the incident, or it has been determined to be a dangerous or illegal dog, the owner is more likely to be found liable in the event of another incident taking place.
This means that the owner can be found liable if the dog has either had a history of threatening behavior as outlined above or if the owner was found to be negligent.
When Does a Dog Bite Claim Need to be Filed in Las Vegas?
According to state law, a person injured by a dog bite has two years from the date of the injury to file a damages lawsuit against the negligent owner. Anything beyond two years and the case can no longer be heard.
Even though Nevada law allows for two years to pass to file a lawsuit, it is not recommended to take this long. The longer the amount of time that goes by between the actual dog bite event taking place, and the filing of the lawsuit, gives reason for suspicion that can be brought up during a case. Given that dog bites can lead to infectious disease and long-term effects outside of obvious physical trauma, it’s important to get treated and have an attorney involved soon after the event takes place.
What Evidence is Needed in a Dog Bite Case?
No two dog bite cases are completely alike. A Las Vegas attorney will need to evaluate every aspect of the case to determine the best approach for trying to recover any medical, emotional, or other damages.
Factors that will matter to an attorney that is evaluating the case could include:
- If the person bit was a visitor inside the home or space where the unprovoked attack occurred.
- If the dog owner was negligent in leaving a door or gate open, giving the dog access to the person who received the bite.
- If the dog was on a leash or contained within a select area.
Where Does Compensation for a Dog Bite Injury Come From?
Generally, you will seek compensation for a dog bite from the dog owner’s homeowner’s insurance policy or renter’s insurance policy. Homeowners and renters are responsible for keeping the dogs kept on their property from harming people invited to enter that property.
Even if you were bitten in a park, you can pursue a claim against the dog owner’s homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy to compensate you for the resulting damages. However, obtaining insurance information from the dog owner or from the homeowner where the dog was located when you were bitten can sometimes be challenging.
Dog owners are sometimes reluctant to provide their insurance information voluntarily. But, a sternly-worded letter from an attorney can work wonders to get a dog owner to send in the insurance information you will need to file a claim against their policy.
How Much is My Las Vegas Dog Bite Claim Worth?
Every dog bite case is different, and multiple factors go into valuing a dog bite claim. These factors include:
- The location and severity of your injuries;
- How well you recover from your injuries;
- The amount and extent of the medical treatment required to restore your health;
- The venue or the location where the dog bite incident occurred; and
- The number of your lost wages, outstanding medical bills, and other damages, like future medical costs and pain and suffering.
Several other factors will also determine the success or failure of your Las Vegas dog bite claim. These factors include:
- Whether you were trespassing on the dog owner’s property;
- Whether you were taunting the dog in some way; and
- Whether the dog has a history of being aggressive or is of a breed of dog that is considered to be dangerous.
What to do After a Dog Bite in Las Vegas
After a dog has bitten you, you should do the following things to address your injuries and protect your interests:
- Seek appropriate medical attention immediately;
- Identify the dog as well as its owner;
- Obtain the dog owner’s contact details and, if possible, their homeowner’s insurance and dog license information;
- Get the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of anyone who witnessed the dog attack;
- Photograph any visible injuries you sustained;
- Contact and report the incident to your local animal control agency and/or the police department; and
- Contact a qualified personal injury attorney.
How Our Las Vegas Personal Injury Lawyers Can Assist You
Once we have been retained to represent you, we will perform a thorough investigation of your dog bite incident, including any applicable homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policies that would apply to your losses.
We will also seek to make sure, to the extent possible, that your medical bills are processed, either through the medical benefits coverage under the at-fault party’s homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy or through your own health insurance policy.
In addition, our skilled Las Vegas personal injury lawyers will:
- Handle all correspondences with the at-fault party and their insurance carrier or defense counsel;
- Request all the supporting documentation necessary to file a claim with the liable insurance company, including your medical records and medical bills; and
- Assist you with seeking maximum compensation for your dog bite injuries.
Contact us today for more details about how we can assist you after being bitten by a dog in Las Vegas.
Your Dog Bite or Animal Attack Authority in Las Vegas and Nevada
At Bighorn Law, we have a wealth of experience helping out those that suffered physical, emotional, and financial damage due to a dog bite or animal attack. We understand the area we serve and how common damaging dog bites can be. We represent individuals that are due compensation for the negligence of others due to dog bites and animal attacks. The call is risk-free and no-cost. We are ready to help you today. Call today at (702) 333-1111.